og meira af gluggum...
Ég var að tala við hana Susan vinkona mína í Tennesse og segja henni frá gardínumálunum þegar hún sagði mér frá sínum gluggamálum;
"Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with those expensive double pane energy-efficientkind. Then, this week I got a call from the contractor who installed them. He was complainingthat the work had been completed a whole year ago and I still hadn't paid for them.Now just because I'm blonde doesn't mean that I am automatically stupid. So, I told him just what his fast talking Sales guy had told me last year.... Namely, that in ONE YEAR these windows would pay for themselves! Helllooooo? It's been a year!There was only silence at the other end of the line, so I finally Just hung up. He didn't call back. Bet he felt dumb!
Susan , gerðu mér greiða.. ekki breytast !!!
"Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with those expensive double pane energy-efficientkind. Then, this week I got a call from the contractor who installed them. He was complainingthat the work had been completed a whole year ago and I still hadn't paid for them.Now just because I'm blonde doesn't mean that I am automatically stupid. So, I told him just what his fast talking Sales guy had told me last year.... Namely, that in ONE YEAR these windows would pay for themselves! Helllooooo? It's been a year!There was only silence at the other end of the line, so I finally Just hung up. He didn't call back. Bet he felt dumb!
Susan , gerðu mér greiða.. ekki breytast !!!
hahahahahaha...... Góður!!! Nota þetta næst þegar ég fæ svona góðan sölumann..........:)
By Anonymous, at 5:27 AM
hehehehehe takktakk þurfti þetta í dag! kv. sigþóra
By Anonymous, at 6:23 AM
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